July 6th

About two weeks ago i was on my way to queens for an appointment, i did not have my headphones and i knew that i was going to be extra bored on my way over there. I stopped by my cousins house and picked up a book.”I don’t want to be crazy” by Samantha Schutz. Surprisingly in the book Samantha was going to college and thats exactly the position i am in right now. What was most intriguing about the book is the way she explains her problem. You can actually feel her going crazy with her new life and the beginning of college. She does not just describe the feeling but she vividly puts a picture your mind, an imagine of the situation she’s in and if you really engaged you might even feel what she’s feeling. you put yourself in her position, being sick , being in Europe, being at home with your family, being in love at a very young age. I literally felt like i was Samantha and ironically going through the semi obstacles she went through puts me in a position where i myself think that if i was to go crazy like she is i don’t think therapy could help me at all. It would be a misconception, an illusion to think that by talking my problems can be fixed. Therapy just makes you more crazy, hoping that somebody can actually fix you is more impatient than actually figuring out whats wrong with you yourself.

Does therapy really work?

In psycologytoday.com F. Diane Barth talks about “Does therapy really work?”. She talks about a girl who went to her and asked for her help because she needed sanity back. She felt empty inside and the way she thought about life needed to change. The idea of therapy for most people is that by talking to a professional their negativity will go away.  Diane helps clients find solutions to their problems just by talking to them. She helps clients discover their inner problem and how is it affecting their life and try to boost up their self-esteem.  In therapy they help you learn about yourself and try to figure out what is it that is bothering you. Although some people do not think therapy works. They think it is just mental and they would be wasting their time explaining their whole life story on something that won’t progress. On the contrary many believe that by talking with something your stress starts to heal and you won’t feel like you are alone. Taking deep breathes and finding out what is bothering you and stressing you out is not so easy when you are alone , you need somebody to guide you into your sanity.

I do not want to be crazy.

For my final paper i chose to write about “i do not want to be crazy” by Samantha Schutz. I chose to write about he book because there might be a possibility that what Samantha was going through during her college years i might experience something like that as well. Not for all but for many people therapy is a big issue. The question is: does therapy actually work?. I feel like in a way i could connect to Samantha’s story, now being that I’m heading to college and i too might not be used to the dramatic change coming my way, i might become a little crazy. In the book when Samantha started college she began to have anxiety attacks, she would vomit, she couldn’t hang out with friends, she felt like she was going crazy.She felt like she couldn’t do anything to help herself but to go to therapy. Everybody around her would just recommend therapy but it still wasn’t working. Small talks and prescriptions were all they gave her and she still felt like she was going crazy. Therapy could just be phycological. We think somebody is helping us but maybe their not, we are doing it all ourselves and we don’t even know it.Maybe it is true. Maybe talking to somebody about your problems and drinking pills can help you out. Before i graduated high school i had thoughts about how college is going to be.How will i handle things and how i obviously would handle being an adult. What if that drives me crazy. Who will i go to for help if therapy is something debatable on wether it is actually helpful or not.

The machine is us/ing us.

In the video “The machine us us/ing us” talks about text. Not hand written text but digital written text. Computer wise. Digital text is way faster, not necessarily easier but more movable and unquestionably more interesting. The way you can play with the text is farther better than just writing it down on a paper. Back in the 1900’s the websites were written in HTML. HTML was use to define the structure of a web document. Now in our modern day original text, context and form can be broken up. Everything is separated into parts . How you such things or upload them, explore or try to figure them out, are all separated in formats. A new way to share information now is blogging. Not only blogging but pictures and videos can also be uploaded to show of an idea or prove point. You exchange information. Publish out information. Then theres a question. Who does all o this? We may think there obviously has to be just one person to approve all of this but its us.The web identifies the people. The people who blog. post, interact, etc.Not only that it also lets us give out an opinion, a belief, how we visual the world, weather thats positive negative is another story. We make up the internet. We may say the computer knows it all. Its memory, but we teach it what it knows. Hence the machine is “us”.

Hello world!

In the article the ‘kitchen of meaning’ it talks about the humans capacity to automatically put an inference on a persons social class, where they are from, who they are, their lifestyle etc. just by “reading” them. In other words you can tell who a person is by the way they act, what they wear, how they spend their time/money. We instantly have a ding in our heads that interprets and phrases what we see. This way of thinking is for now called “semiology”. Semiology in which being the study of signs especially semiotics (the study of signs and symbols and how they are used). The world gives us many signs. Sometimes we may think they are symbols or information provided to us. Maybe automatically putting a tittle to something makes us seem a little bit judgmental. For example: Man orders Moet at a club, he has money. He has a tattoo so he has to be from a gang. She does not have the latest iPhone so she has no money. To me its more or less being stereotypical. We may use the word “reading” or “semiology” but ur minds are so used to portraying an imagine of what we see.